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Jewellery with secret

The use of jewellery dates back to the very beginning of mankind. The jewellery served primarily to increase the attractiveness or status of a person within a society or group, or to visibly display a status.But my jewelry brings not only beauty, but also holds a secret. You can hide whatever you want in the […]


Of all the emotions, nostalgia, or longing for the past, is perhaps the most potent and crippling. Almost all of us, for some reasons, have left a familiar place. We may not regret leaving it, but we always end up longing for it. It is an inexplicable feeling, one that we can seldom put into […]

Lights and Shadows

Absolutely everything, including we human beings, consists of light and shadow. There is no use denying any part of us, they all are there, they all exist. And by denying any part of us, we lose ourselves, our wholeness … and definitely something won’t work. Only when we embrace our light and shadow completely, we […]